Friday, July 24, 2009

Montreal Canadiens Hockey Jerseys

The Boston Bruins may be my favorite team of all time but their bitter rivals have got to be the most infamous team in the NHL and I've loved them for just as long. The team I'm talking about has played since the very beginning, in many ways they are the National Hockey League, they are the Montreal Canadiens.

Montreal, like most Canadian cities, has an intense love affair with hockey but for the Quebecois it isn't about the league it is just about this one team. The fans there don't care about hockey unless the Canadiens are playing and they certainly don't like any of the other Canadian teams. It's funny actually because all the snow birds down in Florida retain this passion for the Canadiens and you can see the Florida Panthers stadium fill up with 90% Montreal Canadiens hockey jerseys on days where the Panthers play Montreal.

A great team, great nhl hockey jerseys, and a passionate fan base make for a really fantastic time.

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