Thursday, July 9, 2009

I love collecting hockey jerseys

Hi everyone! This is the first post on Collect Hockey Jerseys and I just wanted to use this time to tell you a little bit about myself and explain why I love collecting hockey jerseys.

I've been a fan of the NHL for a long time and I have always enjoyed playing hockey. I play all different kinds of hockey from ice hockey to roller hockey and I even sometimes will play the odd ball field hockey game. One of the most interesting things about hockey is that the National Hockey League outfits their players with practical works of art.

Hockey jerseys are designed to give off the best of the team's particular region. They show off the area's colors and tell you a little bit about the people who care about the teams. Think about it, the Florida Panthers have an endangered Panther as their jersey icon, the New York Rangers have something similar to the American flag. These are icons that mean something and they are fantastic relics of sport to collect.

I hope you enjoy the site.

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